extract info from nearest point

03-14-2016 10:59 AM
New Contributor III

I am using ArcMap 10.3.  I have a point file with 100 features. I would like to extract an attribute (elevation) from the nearest point in the same file.

Any suggestions?


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5 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

You should be able to use Spatial Join with Closest relationship.

Spatial Join—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

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New Contributor III

Darren, Thanks. I must be doing something wrong. I try using the spatial

join and "closest" and it just gives joins the attributes of the original

point... Not the nearest. So I get the same elevation value. I found a work

around where I use the near tool and then a join but I thought there might

be a more elegant solution.


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MVP Honored Contributor

Here's an example. I used spatial join with the original points as both the target and join fature classes. The points are labeled by "Id". For example, the highlighted point ("Id" = 2) has an elevation of 5795, and it is closest to point 3 ("Id_1" = 3) which has an elevation of 2896.

Regular Contributor III

If you have an advanced license you could use Generate Near Table—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

New Contributor III

This worked very well.


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