For starters, let me say that I am new to creating annotation feature classes. I have always hated the idea of creating labels that only work at one scale BUT I now see the advantage of being able to manipulate all of my labels within ArcGIS PRO (as opposed to exporting to Illustrator. My issue is that I have created a feature linked annotation feature class of the names of some creeks. When I go to move individual labels along a line they change from being italicized to "regular". Even if I manually open the annotation to then change it back to italicized, it reverts back to regular. I have tried it on a different font as well. It doesn't revert to the original font, but it does change (again) from italicized to regular. Any ideas on how to fix this or is this a glitch?
Hey, Zach. First off, our mapping team stays away from "feature linked" anno. There have been many discussion regarding the pros and cons. . .since you have made the decision to stay with it, you might try changing the default settings in the Annotation tab in the Editing Options dialog box.
Good luck!,