I have a requirement to populate ElectricDevice (type Service Meter) record in Utility Network with the ID of the property it falls into. I thought I could use FeatureSetByName and Interects. However, FeatureSetByName ($map, <layer>) expects the layer to be in a same feature service. I cannot include property layer in the UN service. Is there any other way like FeatureSetByURL?
If the class is in the same database, you can use $datastore instead of $map
The other option is use a portal lookup to access another feature service
Thanks @MikeMillerGIS
https://developers.arcgis.com/arcade/function-reference/portal_functions/#featuresetbyportalitem should do the trick.
If you use FeatureSetByname with $datastore and exclude the rule from application evaluation, the rule should work on the server as long as the container (assembly I assume?) is in the workspace which it should be in case of the UN.
if those are related with containment associations you can use FeatureSetByAssociation