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Attribute Editor closes immediately

11-14-2022 07:14 AM
Occasional Contributor


I upgraded to ArcGIS Pro 3 today and was checking if everything works after the update.

All looks good expect the attribute rules.

If I select a feature class and go "Data Design --> Attribute Rules", the attribute rule tab opens for a split second and then immediately closes.

I created a new Projekt from scratch with a new feature class, but the problem is still the same.

Does anybody else had this happen? 

PS: ArcGIS Pro is up to date with the latest patches...

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

There are 3 ways to access the Attribute Rules. Please try these alternatives.

  • Catalog pane—Right-click a feature class or table and click Data Design > Attribute Rules.
  • Contents pane—Right-click a layer or table and click Data Design > Attribute Rules.
  • Ribbon—Select a layer or table in the Contents pane. On the Feature Layer tab set, click the Data tab, and click Attribute Rules in the Data Design group.

Note, some functionality in Attribute Rules is restricted with a Basic license, if possible try using a Standard or Advanced license.


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