Use a database function in an attribute rule

11-28-2023 02:56 PM
Status: Open
Notable Contributor

Most of the time Arcade has the functionality we need for attribute rules. But there are cases where Arcade is too complicated, inefficient, or limited. It would be great if we could pass a value to a database function as a plan B.

  • Such as pass the shape to a db function to determine if the shape's geometry is null. Select features that have blank shapes
  • If passing a value directly to a database function isn't possible, then what about running a simple SELECT query and evaluating the result?
    select isBlank(shape) from dual
    --the result will be 0 or 1
    If the result is 0, then allow the edit in a validation attribute rule. If the result is 1, then don't allow the edit in the attribute rule.