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Welcome to the Attribute Rules Community!

08-11-2020 07:59 AM
Esri Contributor
7 10 3,396

Welcome and thanks for joining the Attribute Rules Place on GeoNet – Let's get started! 

This is a dedicated GeoNet place for attribute rules. As you explore the group, you'll find tools to connect and collaborate. We encourage you to use the community space to ask/answer questions, share and collaborate on attribute rule scripts, and participate in discussions based on your experiences working with attribute rules. The place will be home to general FAQs, Arcade scripts, real world examples and use cases of using attribute rules, blog posts, videos and much more.  

To get started we invite you to review the group features on the overview page and familiarize yourself with the featured content, resources, related GeoNet places on the right column. 

Under resources you will find: 

We’re excited to connect and collaborate with you and we look forward to seeing your contributions. 

- The Geodatabase Team 

About the Author
Software Engineer, Author of several GIS books and Software Engineering Content Creator on YouTube and podcast