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Toolbuttons in ArcPad

06-26-2012 03:47 PM
New Contributor
Please help!  I'm trying to created a toolbutton in ArcPad by adding it to my applet file as I have done for other toolbuttons in this customization.  I have added it in exactly the same way as other toolbuttons with the same OnClick Call [layername] and I keep getting a VBScript error but I haven't written any VBScript.  Has anyone seen the same error?  If so, how did you solve this problem.

Thanks so much.:confused:
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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: gwalters

Hi Olivia,

The button you have created has routine associated to the onClick event  - Call Till. This line is trying to execute a routine. If you do not have any vbScript for this tool then I would remove the call from the onClick event.

Could you explain in more detail what you trying to achieve with buttons and your custom toolbar? Perhaps the community can help with your customization.


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New Contributor
Hello Gareth,

From what I understand, the onClick events is call a layers of the same name.  For other layers in my AXF, this method seems to work but for some reason doesn't for this layer.  I'm almost certain it's a problem that's originating within the .apa because when I click on the button before any layers have been added, I usually get a "The [blank] layer is not present in the current map.  Please add it." but for this new layers I'm getting a Line 1 Column 1 error.  Ultimately, I would like the Till button to open the Till layer (that is in an AXF) which has forms associated with it.

Is this enough information?

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: gwalters

Hi Olivia,

Can you publish a zip file with your AXF, APM and .APA (with .vbs) for us to have a look at?
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