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Orthometric Heights in ArcPad

01-12-2011 09:15 AM
Frequent Contributor
Are there any current ArcPad users that need/want orthometric heights while in the field?

Right now ArcPad allows you to use enter a constant geoid separation value, which helps you transition from an ellipsoidal height, closer to a true orthometric height when using a less accurate GPS mapping unit. However, if using a survey grade unit, like the ProMark 200 running ArcPad you can achieve centimeter level accuracy for mapping subsurface feature that require highrly accurate vertical measurements.

In this instance the constant geoid separation value will not provide enough accuracy. Typical  survey data collection software allows you to use a geoid model based on the location of your data is collected, but ArcPad currently does not support this functionality.

I am just curious to see what users are doing to get orthometric heights while in the field?

Thank you.
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9 Replies
Occasional Contributor
As far I as know there is not solution to this problem. As  the cost of high accuracy positioning comes down ESRI are going to need to address this issue. We have a workaround in our workflow but you are essentially describing where we are at as well. We are currently developing a local solution using python scripting and a geoid model (for us in Canada we use a height transformation model). We do have a workaround using Trimble GPS Pathfinder office but this causes problems with the output shapefiles (field lengths and shapefile naming constraints) and you can't utilize geodatabase checkout and checkin of features. Major pain indeed.
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Frequent Contributor

Could you email me at I would like to further discuss with you the methods you are deploying this in the office?

Thank you.
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Esri Contributor

As an FYI, the ArcPad team is currently looking into this as several people, such as yourselves, have voiced their need for integrating a geoid model into the software rather than using a single separation value.  We've got an enhancement request logged for this (CQ00300055) so it would be beneficial if you could contact support and get yourselves added.  The more people we can get added, the more weight it will carry with the team.

There is also an entry on the Ideas website that you and your colleagues can promote.

Thanks guys!
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New Contributor

Remember that the GPS works with a mathematical model is the WGS-84 ellipsoid by default, thus capturing the precise ellipsoidal height that gives the team and its technical characteristics.
The issue is that to capture elevations of the mean sea level, we need Geoid models made �??�??with Gravity meters or other more sophisticated tools that not all countries have at their disposition. To calibrate an area in question, I use the model EGM 2008 to Chile, although a global geoid model is the most reliable I think to model and capture orthometric heights. EGM The model 2008 has a 1x1 grid and 2.5 x 2.5 minutes. I use 1x1 minutes for the interpolation is a bit more precise, with the calculator ALLTRANS that distances and flat topography measurements or distances, the value of the geoid undulation becomes almost constant for a sector. This value can be placed in ArcPad and so I worked myself. The interpolation method varies according to the objectives of each user (triangulation, nearest neighbor, bilinear).
If we are talking about geodesic distances where we need precision, not recommended to use ArcPad in my appreciation, therefore, ArcPad need an upgrade to these models as gravimetric.

That's my opinion. Sorry for my bad English.

Greetings to all from Chile!
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Deactivated User
Hi all,

Esri UK have developed an extension for ArcPad called OSTN02. Click Here to read about it. You could build your own extension using C++.

Also, you could potentially build an applet, if you had a polygon layer that was the grid , where each cell has the corrections as attributes, you could calculate the corrected position using isPointIn.

For example:

if gps point  is inside cell A
add the point
run the calculation
set the coordinates to correct location

Could this be appropriate?
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Deactivated User
I am in desperate need for orthometric heights in ArcPad as some of the rest of you.  I have a Trimble Tablet runing ArcPad 10 that uses an R8 receiver with the Iowa RTN for correction in real time.  Has anyone come up with a way for this to happen real time inside ArcPad or any other way of calculating this after the fact?  Please email if you have a solution or know of a way to contact someone with ESRI to develop this.  My email is

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Occasional Contributor
Good Morning,

Was this issue ever resolved?

Take care.
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Regular Contributor
No, to my knowledge Esri ArcPad 10.2 still does not utilize a geoid model for orthometric heights.

The combination of Leica Zeno Office on ArcGIS extension and Leica Zeno Field (OEM of ArcPad 10) will allow a user to utilize a geoid model as well as achieve centimeter level accuracy with various hardware configurations.
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Deactivated User

We, at GeoMobile Innovations, have written an extension to ArcPad called GeoBullseye.  It adds support for Geoid12a (i.e. collection of MSL elevations) directly into ArcPad (among other GPS collection enhancements).

You can check it out at: Mobile GIS Experts : GeoMobile Innovations : GeoBullseye For ArcPad

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