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New Rectangle Polygon - negative area, can't select

04-03-2012 09:24 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hello All,

I have developed a script that creates a new rectangle into an existing shapefile (lease_boundary) based on offsets the user enters in.  The rectangle seems to draw correctly but I can not select it afterwards. I am also using another script to create a sample grid and it does not work on it because it lists the area as negative...

I am scratching my head on this one..... any help would be greatly appreciated.:)

The code is:

Sub CreateLease

Dim objNewPoly
Dim dblX
Dim dblY
Dim strOffSetTop
Dim objToolButton
Dim blnLyrExists
Dim pThePage
Dim objFrmNoffset
Dim objFrmSoffset
Dim objFrmWoffset
Dim objFrmEoffset
Dim objFrmRadioMeters
Dim objFrmRadioFeet

   'Get a reference to the tool button object
   Set objToolButton = ThisEvent.Object
   'Initialize blnLyrExists flag to False
   blnLyrExists = False
   'If lease boundary layer exists, set the blnLyrExists flag to true
   Dim objLyr
   For Each objLyr in Map.Layers
  If StrComp (objLyr.Name, "lease_boundary", 1) = 0 Then
       blnLyrExists = True
       Exit For
     End If
   'If lease boundary layer does not exist:
   'Notify the user, return the tool button to its original state, and exit.
   If Not blnLyrExists Then
  MsgBox "The lease boundary is not present in the current map.", vbExclamation, "Layer not present"
     Exit Sub
   End If
  'Check if the layer can be made editable
  If Not Application.Map.Layers("lease_boundary").CanEdit Then
    MsgBox "Lease boundary cannot be edited.",vbExclamation,"Error"   
    Exit Sub
  End If
  'If the layer is not already editable, make it editable
  If Not Application.Map.Layers("lease_boundary").Editable Then
    Application.Map.Layers("lease_boundary").Editable = True
  End If
  'Create a new rectangle object
   Set objNewPoly = Application.CreateAppObject("rectangle")
Set objFrmRadioMeters = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("rdoMeters")
    Set objFrmRadioFeet = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("rdoFeet")

  'Populate the new polygon X and Y from current GPS X and Y
  If objFrmRadioMeters.value = True Then
     Set objFrmNoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtNoffset")
     objFrmSoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtSoffset")
   objFrmWoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtWoffset")
      objFrmEoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtEoffset")
   dblX = Map.PointerX
   dblY = Map.PointerY = dblX = dblY    = dblY+objFrmNoffset
    objNewPoly.left   = dblX+objFrmEoffset
    objNewPoly.bottom = dblY-objFrmSoffset
       objNewPoly.right  = dblX-objFrmWoffset

     Application.Map.AddFeature (objNewPoly), False
  Application.ExecuteCommand ("zoomfullextent")
     Set objnewPoly = Nothing


     Set objFrmNoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtNoffset")
     objFrmSoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtSoffset")
   objFrmWoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtWoffset")
                objFrmEoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtEoffset")
   dblX = Map.PointerX
   dblY = Map.PointerY = dblX = dblY    = dblY+objFrmNoffset*0.3048
    objNewPoly.left   = dblX+objFrmEoffset*0.3048
    objNewPoly.bottom = dblY-objFrmSoffset*0.3048
       objNewPoly.right  = dblX-objFrmWoffset*0.3048

     Application.Map.AddFeature (objNewPoly), False
  Application.ExecuteCommand ("zoomfullextent")
     Set objnewPoly = Nothing
  End If

End Sub
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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Hello All,

I am wondering if I haven't set enough of the properties for the rectangle.  There is how I am creating the rectangle to be placed into the existing shapefile. = dblX = dblY = dblY+objFrmNoffset
objNewPoly.left = dblX+objFrmEoffset
objNewPoly.bottom = dblY-objFrmSoffset
objNewPoly.right = dblX-objFrmWoffset

Do I need to set more of the properties or am I missing a key one?

Thank you,
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Emerging Contributor
Maybe I can get the user to create a new polygon in the shapefile and then using VBScript change the geography of that polygon.


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Emerging Contributor
Ok. So I found out that it will be fixed if I:
1) Edit the vertices's of the polygon,
2) Right click on one of them, save move to
3) Hit OK to accept the already populated coordinates
4) Click the Commit feature capture/changes

It works... I have tried adding the Application.ExecuteCommand ("featureok") to my code but it didn't seem to work.

Any ideas?

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Emerging Contributor
Hello All,

I eventually got it figured out by added points to a collection to create my polygon, new code looks like this:

Sub CreateLease
Dim pPoints ' Points collection
Dim pPoint  ' Single point to be added to the collection
Dim objFrmRadioMeters
Dim objFrmRadioFeet
Dim dblX
Dim dblY
Dim objFrmNoffset
Dim objFrmSoffset
Dim objFrmWoffset
Dim objFrmEoffset
Dim pPoly

Set pPoints = Application.CreateAppObject("Points")
set pPoint = Application.CreateAppObject("Point")
Set objFrmRadioMeters = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("rdoMeters")
Set objFrmRadioFeet = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("rdoFeet")
Set objFrmNoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtNoffset")
Set objFrmSoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtSoffset")
Set objFrmWoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtWoffset")
Set objFrmEoffset = Applets("DSA_Applet").Forms("frmLeaseBoundary").Pages("Page1").Controls("txtEoffset")

dblX = Map.PointerX
dblY = Map.PointerY

'Populate the points collection
If objFrmRadioMeters.value = True Then
pPoint.X = dblX - objFrmWoffset
pPoint.Y = dblY - objFrmSoffset
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX - objFrmWoffset
pPoint.Y = dblY + objFrmNoffset
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX + objFrmEoffset
pPoint.Y = dblY + objFrmNoffset
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX + objFrmEoffset
pPoint.Y = dblY - objFrmSoffset
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX - objFrmWoffset
pPoint.Y = dblY - objFrmSoffset
pPoints.Add pPoint

Set pPoly = Application.CreateAppObject("polygon")
Call pPoly.Parts.Add(pPoints)
Call Application.Map.AddFeature (pPoly)

Set pPoly = nothing
Set pPoint = nothing
Set pPoints = nothing

pPoint.X = dblX - objFrmWoffset*0.3048
pPoint.Y = dblY - objFrmSoffset*0.3048
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX - objFrmWoffset*0.3048
pPoint.Y = dblY + objFrmNoffset*0.3048
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX + objFrmEoffset*0.3048
pPoint.Y = dblY + objFrmNoffset*0.3048
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX + objFrmEoffset*0.3048
pPoint.Y = dblY - objFrmSoffset*0.3048
pPoints.Add pPoint

pPoint.X = dblX - objFrmWoffset*0.3048
pPoint.Y = dblY - objFrmSoffset*0.3048
pPoints.Add pPoint

Set pPoly = Application.CreateAppObject("polygon")
Call pPoly.Parts.Add(pPoints)
Call Application.Map.AddFeature (pPoly)

Set pPoly = nothing
Set pPoint = nothing
Set pPoints = nothing

End If

End Sub
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