We work with an old and slow powered Trimble devices (GeoXT 2008), and because that I need the survey teams to work with a lot of data, we use a laptop with arcpad 10 installed on it, and use the trimble device, with the arcpad installed on it as well, to use only as a GPS device to pin-point on the laptop, where the survey team is.
Because of varios reason, i clip raster as the background imagery for the survey team, as well.
What i found out, was that the fastest way, for arcpad to display the raster is exporting the clipped area (in ArcMap) as an ECW and than, on the Get data for ArcPad toolbar, exporting it as JPG2000.
I've tried directly exporting as JPG2000 from ArcMap, but it works very slow on the laptop, and also the Tiff and JPG formats.
Does that sound reasonable?
Is there any other way you would suggest me, which is faster?
If you're still here :confused: - does it make sense that the Trimble GeoXT 2008 can't carry an area of 10 sq km with about 8 background layers full of data and 5 empty layers that the survey team update?