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AXF Successfully checks in, but data does not appear in database.

01-13-2012 06:11 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi there, I've got two laptops that go out daily and collect data.  (not a lot, mind you - between 5 and 30 features per day).  I'm using:

Arcpad 10.0.3
ArcGIS Desktop 10
ArcGIS Server 10

I had it set up so that all they did was check in their axf file at the end of their shift via the roadpatrol manager.  (reusing the same axf day after day)  On check-in, everything appeared to go normally, except for that the data would not appear on our server.  At this point, I'd have to use arcpad studio to export the collected features as as shapefile and then manually input them into the server (I could have done a copy/paste job, but you
ve got to remap the fields and considering the number of features it was just faster to do it manually).

So I set up an automated process using python - I make sure I have access to either an arcgis editor or arcview license first, then uses
[INDENT]# Process: ArcPad Check In
arcpy.ArcPadCheckin_ArcPad(axfpath, "", "")[/INDENT]

Then I rename the axf file, move it to another folder, and then create a new axf using the 'configure project for geoprocessing' tool in the arcpad data manager.

[INDENT]# Local variables:
ArcPad_mxd = "C:\\example\\example.mxd"

# Process: Process ArcPad Project
arcpy.ProcessArcPadProject_ArcPad(ArcPad_mxd, "")

Everything processes without complaint, but again, no data shows up in my database (this project has it's own database at the moment).  Kinda pulling my hair out over this one.  This worked flawlessly for over a year and a half using arcgis 9.3 and arcpad 7.1 and then arcpad 8.0.  The problems started when I changed the axf to only check out the schemas instead of the entire feature, as it was taking too long for them to sync over crummy wifi.  I was hoping our switch to arcgis/arcpad 10 might clear up some of the issues, but to no avail.  Any ideas would help immensely.
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