The situation:
I am using a file geodatabase to manage all weed mapping data at my office. It is being used by multiple staff members to collect weed data - and was exported as an axf file ( so multiple users, multiple GPSs).
The problem:
After a day of data collection ??? I upload the data using the ???get data from ArcPad??? function ??? which works great ??? uploads all the data on the GPS to the GDB. BUT, when you collect more data on that GPS the next day ??? and try to upload again ??? it uploads all the records from the previous day again, creating multiple identical records. There does not seem to be away around this besides deleting all the records from that axf file on the GPS after each day ??? which is far from ideal. There does not seem to be a way of just uploading a subset of the data ??? ie - just that day???s records.
How it worked before:
In 9.3, I exported the GDB to the GPS units as a shapefile to collect the data. Then, I used the Data Loader function in ArcCatalog to upload the data to the GDB ??? which allows you to setup a query to just upload a specific subset of the data. This worked great. Unfortunately, now, when I export the GDB in v10 as a shapefile for the GPS ??? none of the domain dropdowns appear, making it useless for GPS data collection. So, I switched to the AXF file format ??? which allowed the domain dropdowns to appear. Unfortunately, the ArcCatalog data loader does not recognize axf files ??? so I cannot use this function any longer. So, now I use the ArcPad Data Manager extension ??? ???get data from ArcPad??? button ??? which does not allow you to query the data - and just uploads everything in that axf file ??? thereby creating identical records in the GDB.
Any thoughts? It seems like there should be an easy solution here. Either figure out how to have functional shapefile data collection so I can continue to use the data loader, or figure out how to eliminate identical record uploads from the axf....