VC++ RuntimeManager access in ArcGIS 10.0

07-29-2010 03:35 PM
New Contributor
I am attempting to migrate our existing code, which is all 9.2/9.3 .NET 2005 VC++ to 10.0. The showstopper is the RuntimeManager.Bind() call that is now necessary prior to doing anything. I found a similar question from November 2009 which was never answered. The VC++ appendix that was added to the documentation was a rehash of the older generic documents and doesn't cover this fundamental change.

There is no olb corresponding to the ArcGISVersion.dll in the Common Files\ArcGIS\bin directory, and importing the dll only seems to enable a IArcGISVersion to be recognized, which fails on instantiation. The VB and C# examples are not helpful.

Thanks for any information.
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1 Reply
New Contributor
I am attempting to migrate our existing code, which is all 9.2/9.3 .NET 2005 VC++ to 10.0. The showstopper is the RuntimeManager.Bind() call that is now necessary prior to doing anything. I found a similar question from November 2009 which was never answered. The VC++ appendix that was added to the documentation was a rehash of the older generic documents and doesn't cover this fundamental change.

I found the snippet in the VCPP appendix which resolved the problem.
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