'QueryFilter' is an interface type and cannot be used as an expression.

10-30-2017 12:34 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Hello everyone,

I am running a VB.net console application in VS 2015 pointing to an SDE SQL Database in ArcSDE 10.4.

I am getting the following error message when creating queryFilter. and featurescount does not have any value. This code works fine in 10.2 and VS 2012 pointing to SDE 10.2 Oracle.

'QueryFilter' is an interface type and cannot be used as an expression. 

' Create the query filter.

Dim queryFilter As IQueryFilter

queryFilter = New QueryFilterClass()

' Select the fields to be returned

queryFilter.SubFields = "INCID"

queryFilter.WhereClause = "INCID = " & strContentID

queryFilter.WhereClause = "INCID = 10772"

Dim featuresCount As Integer = 0

featuresCount = pFeatureClass.FeatureCount(queryFilter)


' feature count = 0, not found, then create feature

' feature count > 1, check if the version matches



If featuresCount = 0 Then

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