problem with readercontrol

08-10-2011 06:53 PM
New Contributor
Hi all,

Could someone explain the difference between ESRI readercontrol and ARCreadercontrol.

I would like to display a pmf file on a custom form being built in visual studio 2010 using dotnet.
The development kit is installed and the "ARCGIS windows forms" tab is visible in the visual studio toolbox.  I do not have a "Arcgis engine developer kit license" but was hoping that I could add the readercontrol to any form.

I can add the ESRI readercontrol to the toolbox by selecting the "ESRI ReaderControl" in the COM component tab of the add toolbox item in Visual studio.  However the tool icon is a black hatch square in the toolbox and when I add the control to a form the error "Failed to import ActiveX control.  Please ensure it is properly registered" appears and the control is not added.

From my initial investigations most documents reference the ARCReaderControl which needs the "Engine" license.

Can someone point me right direction.

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