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04-26-2010 04:45 PM
8 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Jim -

Thanks for posting these links.

Yesterday I see a total of 10 posts to the new ArcObjects forum.

This level of activity is way below what it was on the older forums.

Just wondering, with fewer people seeking help for problems on the new forums - does ESRI consider this an indication that people are experiencing fewer problems?

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MVP Frequent Contributor
Hey Kirk,

Not sure how ESRI feels but I can tell you that my reasons for not participating that much on the new forums is merely a function of my developement needs changing drastically.  I spent quite a lot of time on the old forums, which mostly consisted of ArcObjects-specific/related questions --- and I'm greatful to have built a solid base of programming knowledge.  Including code from you!

But I can tell you that over the past 2yrs, the bulk of my programming as migrated away from spatial data-specific customizations and into a hybrid of spatial and non-spatial database integration.  I still consider it GIS-centric programming because all of my applications do run in ESRI products, but the major functionality of those apps is largely regular 'ole client-server, N-Tier application architectures!

I'd guess that the needs have changed for my specific client base.  I think it's a natural progression from creating spatial data and ArcObjects customizations to manage that spatial data, into ancillary database integration services.  So, it's more about... well, the spatial data is all there.  How do we integrate our legacy MS Access billing databases and spreadsheets (non-spatial databases) with our huge and awesome ArcSDE???!!!!

This means that my time is now spent over at MSDN!  lol...:D 

But I still lurk around.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Jim -

Thanks for posting these links.

Yesterday I see a total of 10 posts to the new ArcObjects forum.

This level of activity is way below what it was on the older forums.

Just wondering, with fewer people seeking help for problems on the new forums - does ESRI consider this an indication that people are experiencing fewer problems?


Fewer problems?  I could be wrong but I would say "no".  I'm not sure how a new forum application would by itself make using ArcObjects any easier or harder.

At ArcGIS 10, the ArcGIS/ArcObjects SDK is considered a single SDK, rather than different SDKs for Desktop, Engine, and Server.   Kirk, I'm fairly sure you'd agree that there is considerable overlap so we're hoping that defragmenting the forums into one "ArcObjects" area will help developers get help from a larger group of people.

As with any big change, there are aspects we can predict and manage and others we cannot or haven't.  We're keeping a close eye on things to see where adjustments may need to be made.  It's our intent to make things better, not worse.
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MVP Honored Contributor

Did y'all do away with the point system?  I feel that the less activity could be related to no point system in place therefore not motivating people to come answer questions.  This would come back to people asking fewer questions.  It sure has hindered me.  I feel that people don't care as much to answer questions because they're not getting rewarded.  If the point thing is unreasonable then maybe at least have a reputation system like other forums do.  Maybe this one does, but I do not know of it.  Just my 2 cents.

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Occasional Contributor
I'm not going to "beat about the bush" - this new forum format really sucks!  How can ESRI come up (after all these years) a worse forum engine than the previous one!!!  This style of forum is like stepping back 10+ years!  There is no recognition system either to reward people who offer their time up to help others.  I think that is a massive demotivator.

BTW - this is not a case of not liking things new and being old fashioned or anything it's just sheer disbelief that ESRI have chosen this format for their support forums.

I would have much preferred a format like that used in StackOverflow - it rewards people for their time and allows the correct answer to a problem to bubble up to the top, which makes it much easier to find a solution.  Admittedly there is not much scope for discussion via the StackOverlow engine, but when you want an answer quickly to a problem - it does the job brilliantly. 

Dear oh dear - what have you done!
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Deactivated User
I've proposed this idea.  Go here to vote for it.

The new ESRI support forums are not as good as the old forums.

I think ESRI should set up the forums as a Stack Exchange based site.

StackOverflow is a good example ...
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Occasional Contributor
I've proposed this idea.  Go here to vote for it.

Good man Kirk, it has been done.  Lets hope ESRI listen...
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Deactivated User  is now in public beta, and even has some arcobjects questions.
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