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Interpolate surface C#

08-13-2015 05:21 AM
Deactivated User


I'm trying interpolate surface using point shapefile, but ArcMap crashed on interpolation. I checked and able to do it using predefined Arctoolbox scripts, so data is ok.

I use ArcGIS 10.1 SP1, Spatial Extension, MS Visual Studio 2012, .Net Framework 4.

Does anyone can help in it?

public void InterpolateTest()
            IFeatureClass fcClass01 = default(IFeatureClass);
            fcClass01 = GetFeatureClass(); // see below

// Create FeatureClassDescriptor using a value field.
            IFeatureClassDescriptor fcDescr = default(IFeatureClassDescriptor);
            fcDescr = new FeatureClassDescriptor() as IFeatureClassDescriptor;
            fcDescr.Create(fcClass01, null, "gdsA");

// Create Input geodataset
            IGeoDataset gd = fcClass01 as IGeoDataset;

// Create Output geodataset      

            IRaster rasOut = default(IRaster);

            IInterpolationOp2 interpOp = default(IInterpolationOp2);
            interpOp = new RasterInterpolationOp() as IInterpolationOp2;

  //try to interpolate - crash on this line
            rasOut = (IRaster)interpOp.NaturalNeighbor(gd);


public ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureClass GetFeatureClass()

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesFile.ShapefileWorkspaceFactory();
                    String string_RasterWorkspace = "C:\\temp\\";
                    String string_ShapefileName = "dis.shp";

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(string_RasterWorkspace, 0);
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureWorkspace)workspace; // Explict Cast
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureClass featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(string_ShapefileName);

                    FeatureClass fc = featureClass as FeatureClass;
                    return featureClass;

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Deactivated User


public void Test2()
            IFeatureClass fcClass01 = default(IFeatureClass);
            fcClass01 =  GetFeatureClass();
            // Create FeatureClassDescriptor using a value field.
            IFeatureClassDescriptor fcDescr = default(IFeatureClassDescriptor);
            fcDescr = new FeatureClassDescriptor() as IFeatureClassDescriptor;
            fcDescr.Create(fcClass01, null, "gdsAreaDis");

            // Create Input geodataset from
            IGeoDataset gd = fcDescr as IGeoDataset;
            IInterpolationOp2 interpOp = default(IInterpolationOp2);
            interpOp = new RasterInterpolationOp() as IInterpolationOp2;
             // Create an Op (RasterMaker operator).
            RasterMakerOp rasterMakerOp = interpOp as RasterMakerOp;//new RasterMakerOp();// IRasterMakerOp();
            // Query Op for IRasterAnalysisEnvironment.
            IRasterAnalysisEnvironment rasterAnalysisEnvironment = (IRasterAnalysisEnvironment)rasterMakerOp;
            // Set output workspace for the Op.
            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new RasterWorkspaceFactory();
            IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile("c:\\temp", 0);
            rasterAnalysisEnvironment.OutWorkspace = workspace;
            // Set cell size for the Op.
            object object_cellSize = (System.Object)50000;
            rasterAnalysisEnvironment.SetCellSize (esriRasterEnvSettingEnum.esriRasterEnvValue, ref object_cellSize);

            // create surface
            IRaster outraster = (IRaster)(interpOp.NaturalNeighbor(gd));
            RasterLayer rasterlayer = new RasterLayer();
            ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument mxDocument = ArcMap.Application.Document as ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument; // Dynamic Cast
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IActiveView activeView = mxDocument.ActiveView;
            IMap map = (IMap)activeView;

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