ImageServiceLayer - Initialize with secure URL (HTTPS) throws generic exception

02-16-2011 08:04 AM
New Contributor II
I am trying to Initialize a new ImageServerLayer with a secure (HTTPS) URL, but it throws the generic exception: "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component."

Below is the code I am using, and two different URLs, both services work, but only the unsecure (HTTP) one will connect.

Type shpWkspFactType = typeof(ImageServerLayerClass);
string typeClsID = shpWkspFactType.GUID.ToString("B");
IImageServerLayer imageserverlayer = (IImageServerLayer)pObjFactory.Create(typeClsID);

DOES work:        "http://AGSServer/arcgis/services/ISName/ImageServer"
DOES NOT work:  "https://AGSServer/arcgis/services/ISName/ImageServer"

(again, both services work, and I can manually add them via GIS Server connection in ArcMap, both Internet and LAN connections work)

Does anyone know how to connect to a secure ImageServiceLayer in ArcObjects?
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4 Replies
Esri Contributor
Did you ever determine a solution?  We are faced with the exact same problem.
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New Contributor II
Did you ever determine a solution?  We are faced with the exact same problem.

No, I dont think we did.
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Esri Contributor
Please try the following code, which works for both http and https.

         IImageServerLayer isLayer =  CreateSecuredISLayer("https://myserver/arcgis/services", "sampleImage");

         private static IImageServerLayer CreateSecuredISLayer(string agsUrl, string serviceName)
            IName soname = GetImageServerName(agsUrl, serviceName, false);
            IImageServerLayer isLayer = new ImageServerLayerClass();

            IDataLayer data_islayer = (IDataLayer)isLayer;
            data_islayer.DataSourceName = soname;
            return isLayer;
        private static void CreateSecuredLayerFile(IImageServerLayer isLayer)
            ILayerFile layerFile = new LayerFileClass();
        private static IName GetImageServerName(string hostOrUrl, string serviceName, bool isLAN)
            IName pName = null;

            //set connection propertyset; host for LAN, url for Internet
            IPropertySet propertySet = new PropertySetClass();
            if (isLAN)
                propertySet.SetProperty("machine", hostOrUrl);
                propertySet.SetProperty("url", hostOrUrl);
            //propertySet.SetProperty("user", userName);
            //propertySet.SetProperty("password", password);
            //open AGS connection
            Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGISClient.AGSServerConnectionFactory");
            IAGSServerConnectionFactory agsFactory = (IAGSServerConnectionFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
            IAGSServerConnection agsConnection = agsFactory.Open(propertySet, 0);

            //get the image server
            IAGSEnumServerObjectName agsServerObjectNames = agsConnection.ServerObjectNames;
            IAGSServerObjectName agsServerObjectName = agsServerObjectNames.Next();
            while (agsServerObjectName != null)
                if ((agsServerObjectName.Name.ToLower() == serviceName.ToLower()) && (agsServerObjectName.Type == "ImageServer"))
                    pName = (IName)agsServerObjectName;
                agsServerObjectName = agsServerObjectNames.Next();

            //return the image server object
            return pName;
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Esri Contributor
An enhanced approach to get image server name object without opening it up (without providing username/password when creating layer):

private static IName GetImageServerName(string hostOrUrl, string serviceName)
IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySetClass();
propSet.SetProperty("url", hostOrUrl);
propSet.SetProperty("ANONYMOUS", false);
//don't hardcode user/password
//propertySet.SetProperty("user", userName);
//propertySet.SetProperty("password", password);
IAGSServerConnectionName agsServerConnectName = new AGSServerConnectionNameClass();
agsServerConnectName.ConnectionProperties = propSet;
IAGSServerObjectName agsSOName = new AGSServerObjectNameClass();
agsSOName.AGSServerConnectionName = agsServerConnectName;
agsSOName.Name = serviceName;
agsSOName.Type = "ImageServer";
return (IName)agsSOName;
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