Dear All,
i am developing a tool in C# and i have implemented "IGXDialog" in my application.
it is working fine when i select any folder . but if i try select the "D" drive the application is getting crash with following message.
"Attemted to read or write protected memory this is often and indicaton that the other memory is corrupt"
here is my code..
IGxDialog pGxDlg = new GxDialogClass();
pGxDlg.AllowMultiSelect = true;
pGxDlg.RememberLocation = true;
object temp = "D:\\Esu\\";
pGxDlg.set_StartingLocation(ref temp);
//pGxDlg.ObjectFilter = new GxFilterPolylineFeatureClassesClass();
// pGxDlg.ObjectFilter = new GxFilterDatasetsClass();
pGxDlg.ObjectFilter = new GxFilterPointFeatureClassesClass();
pGxDlg.Title = "Select Structure staging feature class object";
IEnumGxObject pEnmGxObj;
pGxDlg.DoModalOpen((Int32)this.Handle, out pEnmGxObj);
IGxObject pGxObj = pEnmGxObj.Next();
if (pGxObj == null)
txtfeatureclass.Text = "";
please help to solve this issue.
Thank You
Shaik Esu.