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Get Differences from Default and Historic Table

09-25-2014 07:23 AM
Frequent Contributor


I have an archieved table AA00001_FDV from which I need all rows that have been changed or newly created during a given amount of time (let´s say during the last year). Following the steps provided here I created a DifferenceCursor. Hence I do not need ALL updated rows I added a QueryFilter to return only features that have attribute OTYP = "AX11001" and that changed during the timespan.

// Cast to the IHistoricalWorkspace interface and get the version from before the Stichtag and default versions.

IHistoricalWorkspace historicalWorkspace = (IHistoricalWorkspace)this.workspaceExtension.Workspace;

IHistoricalVersion defaultVersion = historicalWorkspace.FindHistoricalVersionByName(historicalWorkspace.DefaultMarkerName);

IHistoricalVersion historicalVersion = historicalWorkspace.FindHistoricalVersionByTimeStamp((DateTime) this.StichTagDerAuswertung);

// Cast both versions to IFeatureWorkspace and open the table from each.

IFeatureWorkspace defaultFWS = (IFeatureWorkspace)defaultVersion;

IFeatureWorkspace historicalFWS = (IFeatureWorkspace)historicalVersion;

ITable defaultTable = defaultFWS.OpenTable("AA00001_FDV");

ITable historicalTable = historicalFWS.OpenTable("AA00001_FDV");

// Create a difference cursor.

IDifferenceCursor differenceCursor = ((IVersionedTable)defaultTable).Differences(historicalTable, esriDifferenceType.esriDifferenceTypeUpdateNoChange, new QueryFilter { WhereClause = "OTYP = 'AX11001'"});

// Create output variables for the IDifferenceCursor.Next method and a FID set.

IFIDSet fidSet = new FIDSetClass();

IRow differenceRow = null;

int objectID = -1;

List<string> uuids = new List<string>();

// Step through the cursor, showing the ID of each modified row.

differenceCursor.Next(out objectID, out differenceRow);

while (objectID != -1)


    uuids.Add(differenceRow.get_Value(1) as string);


    differenceCursor.Next(out objectID, out differenceRow);



But I do not get any results from the cursor although my archieve-table ( AA00001_FDV_H) has many rows with GDB_FROM- and TO_DATE set. I suppose its because of the  esriDifferenceType which I do not completely understand.I further suppose that the cursor should only return rows that are changed within historic table AND default one because changing data within default-version impilictly changes according data within archieve-table. Is this assumption true or am I missing sth. obvious?

Thanks for your help

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