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Dockable window: how to close, to refresh, to reload, to listen to ArcMap evetns

10-25-2011 03:55 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi all

I am writting my first Add-In with VS 2008, Arcmap 2011 and created a data entry form with a dockable window.

I would like to know:
  - how to close a dockable window, by default it looks like it hides, sho when clicking again the button it shows the form but its content does not get refershed
  - my form read the selected features from a layer and displays a data entry form where the user enters only attributes. But if when users select another feature in the same layer how can I refresh my dockable window, to show the new ferature. What event?
  - is it better to use a regular windows form

please advise
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
You want to set up the layer's feature selection changed event (IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents) to let you know users made a selection change.  In the event handler routine you would refresh the form with attributes from the new feature.
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