I have a project that gave me a table of xy values in NAD27, Pennsylvania State Plane (Foot). They would like the coordinates converted to NAD83, PA State Plane (Foot). I need some one to check this for the correct steps.
This is the process that I did:
Open an MXD file and set the projection to NAD27, PA State plane (foot)
Bring in the table from Catalog
Right click on the table, then Display XY data, and set the the appropriate x and y fields.
Export the data to change it from and event to a shapefile/feature class in NAD27
Open an MXD file that is set to NAD83, PA State plane (foot)
Import the previously created shapefile.
Export the shapefile ensuring that the projection for the export is the same as the data frame (NAD83) and NOT the source (NAD27).
Create two fields in the attribute table for new x and y values
Calculate the geometry of these field using the appropriate data.
These values are now in the NAD83, PA state plane (foot) but they are slightly different than another check that I have (from the client).
Can anyone point me in a different direction or confirm my method? Thanks