I try the get the plogon area with in buffer polygon area. But its always gives error. My error code is "ArcObject Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040215"
My code is given below :
// Convert the JSON line to an ArcObjects Polyline
var missing = Type.Missing;
IPolyline routePolyline = new PolylineClass();
foreach (var point in args.RoutePolyline)
(routePolyline as IPointCollection).AddPoint(
new PointClass {X = point.X, Y = point.Y, SpatialReference = _webMercator},
ref missing, ref missing);
routePolyline.SpatialReference = _webMercator;
// Buffer it...
var topologicalOperator = routePolyline as ITopologicalOperator;
var routeBufferPolygon = topologicalOperator.Buffer(args.BufferDistance) as IPolygon;
foreach (var layer in layersToArea)
var layerName = layer.Key;
var jsonPropertyName = layer.Value;
// Get the feature class and error out if it's not found
var fc = Utilities.GetFeatureClass(_mapServer, layerName);
if (fc == null)
var errMessage = string.Format("Can't find the feature class for '{0}'.", layerName);
_logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.error, "GetStats", -1000, errMessage);
return ErrorResponse(errMessage);
// Setup a spatial filter for intersecting our buffer area
ISpatialFilter sf = new SpatialFilterClass();
sf.GeometryField = fc.ShapeFieldName;
sf.Geometry = routeBufferPolygon;
sf.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
// Find the position of the "SQMI" field in the feature class.
int nameFieldPosition = fc.FindField("SQMI");
// Execute the query and iterate through the cursor's results.
IFeatureCursor resultsFeatureCursor = fc.Search(sf, true);
IFeature resultsFeature = null;
double totalArea = 0.0;
while ((resultsFeature = resultsFeatureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
// problem accrued here
IPolygon clippedResultsGeometry = (IPolygon)
//clippedResultsGeometry.Densify(0, 0); // Densify to maintain curved appearance when converted to JSON.
// Get statistics.
IArea area = (IArea)clippedResultsGeometry;
totalArea += area.Area;
jsonResult.AddDouble(jsonPropertyName, totalArea);