I have created an Addin for my company and all is working well. Now I want to display an About box with version release notes and other info. Currently I am just displaying a MessageBox but the notes are getting too lengthy. I also tested the toast Notification but am not sure my info belongs there.
What would be recommended as a a standard to display About info? a Form? in the Backstage? another control?
I am not really certain what your goal is, so it is hard to advise.
ArcMap's Add-In Manger shows a lot of info about your add-in that you can customize if this suits you best.
If you have a single tool with a pop-up or dockable form, for example, you might simply include a menu item or another button on that form.
If it is a series of addin tools, you could make another tool that shows updates and information.
Or if you are wanting something "intrusive" to let people know this is your baby, then you can even put a splash screen in everytime they click your button.
I would ask your users what they would prefer and go from there.
Brent Hoskisson
Yes I have a tab just for my add-in and about 10 tools under it. I currently have an About button that displays a MessageBox but the text I want to display is getting too long. The users are in my company so really its my call on what gets displayed.
In ArcMap I would just display a Form but wanted something that was not as "intrusive" as you say. A typical About is what I am displaying but I have notes for each major release. Plus I put other notes in there as well. Something like the snapshot below. But I am asking for what other options exist within Pro. The toast Notification seems like a possibility.
@MichelleMathias how do I move this topic to Pro SDK?
@AbelPerez I can move it for you.
So after experimenting with a few controls I settled on a ProWindow. It is only displayed by the user action and it is non-modal. Ignore the lame graphic I have:
You can use ArcGIS Pro configuration instead of simple add-in. Configuration has build in About dialog functionality. You can check on ArcGIS Pro community sample https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples/tree/master/Framework/ConfigWithMap.
Another way is to use ApplicationSettings window or as you mentioned Backstage property page(ArcGIS Pro community sample https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples/tree/master/Framework/BackStage_PropertyPag... )
Thanks for the suggestions.