ArcMap Options

05-14-2014 01:49 AM
New Contributor
In ArcMap, if I modify the "raster layer" options (menu customize, Arcmap option), they are not saved in the MDX file.

do you know how can I set the "ArcMap options" using the arcobjects in
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2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor
In the help file is says:

...These options are used for all ArcGIS programs. This allows you to save time and display your raster data consistently...

You are changing properties that are at the application level and not at the dataset level. I'm not personally aware of anyway of accessing those unless its some sort of registry access?
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New Contributor
in my opinion, this is a problem only in the 10.2.1 version.
In the previous versions, every options were correctly saved in the MDX file.
I do not think that it depends on which level or somehing similar ...
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