[3/19/2019 3:49 PM]
I am trying to install ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 on a window server 2016, and the set up is not opening I am getting this error "Fatal error- Cannot create temporary folder. The program will exit"
Thanks for your support
This sounds like you can't get to %temp%. It's either a permissions issue, you don't have a %temp% environment variable, or (potentially?) you have a roaming profile. If you right-click and select runas: administrator, do you have luck?
Thanks William for your answer.
I have tried to run as administrator yet the error message comes out.
I've tried to create the environment Temp or change setting like this: Creating a new Temp environment and change variable setting How to Fix "Unable to execute file in the temporary directory" Error on Windows 7, 8 and 10 - Appual...
still the error persist.
In the event anyone else comes across this post, I ran into a similar issue when upgrading to 10.8 from 10.7.1. In my case, the issue was two-fold. I created a folder of the same name the setup file wants to create in C:\Users\Administrator\Documents called "ArcGIS 10.8" Additionally, I found the installation file to be corrupted. Once I deleted the ArcGIS 10.8 folder, restarted my machine, and re-downloaded the installation files I was off to the races! Hope this helps.
These guys always seem to have the answer...