I've added a standalone table from Excel which has 80 numeric fields. I'd like to find a way to programmatically change the scale of the fields so that the contents display with 0 decimals instead of the default 6 decimals.
Can this not be done in excel first? Otherwise I would run an arcpy.da.UpdateCursor to truncate or round the figures.
Field type LONG could also be used with Alter Field—Data Management toolbox | Documentation
I've added a standalone table from Excel...
Have you performed an Excel to Table and created an actual geodatabase tabke or simply added an Excel worksheet to your ArcMap session?
I ended up using the Round function in Excel to round all of my values to 0 decimals, saved the worksheet as a .csv, and then added that as a table in ArcMap. The resulting data fields are Numeric with 0 decimals. Thanks to all who responded!