I have a feature class of stormwater basins that is only showing one of the basins regardless of whether I choose single value or unique values in symbology. This feature class should cover a larger area, but only one basin shows up with the labels for all basins bunched inside it (Basin 4). When I select to only show, for example, basin 1, basin 4 is still the only polygon displayed. I suspect this may be a database issue but I cannot find the source of the problem. I've attached a .jpg showing the subbasins listed in the table of contents and the single basin displayed on the map with subbasin labels bunched inside.
perhaps the larger basin is covering the smaller ones in the featureclass.
Could you select the larger polygon (in the table preferably) and set its symbology to transparent.
If it is obliterating/hiding the others select and export the larger basin to its own featureclass, delete it from the original and append it back to put it on the bottom
If the subbasin areas and lengths all have the same area, it is corrupted somehow. The geometries are apparently all the same
I don't know, but you will have to use a backup if the geometry is destroyed