Need to convert GDB non spatial table to dbf file

10-27-2021 10:27 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi All,

I have persnol Geo database (.mdb) which contains feature classes and 15 non spatial tables.

I converted feature classes into shape files.

I need to convert non spatial tables into dBASE files. (.dbf file). For that conversion I used table to dBase tool in ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap).

By using this tool I converted 12 tables. But I can't able to convert remaining 3 tables, it throws errors.

I can't able to find the solution for this.


I have attached error files below. 



It would be great pleasure if anyone can help me out in this.







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Thank you for your reply.

I have checked with that tool also. It also throws same error

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or Copy Rows (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

in any event, you need to check the offending tables for ....

For file input (.csv or .txt), the first row of the input file is used as the field names on the output table. Field names cannot contain spaces or special characters (such as $ or *), and you will receive an error if the first row of the input file contains spaces or special characters.

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Thanks for your reply.

But field names didn't contain any special characters or spaces. But still it doesn't converting.

It throws error 001156. Already attached error attachments.

Can you help me with this.

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