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Model builder error when exporting .KMZ

05-23-2022 09:09 AM
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Emerging Contributor

Hello I would like some help for a model I've made in model builder. It consists of an iterator and an export to kml tool. It works fine but when I open the .kml files only the first one has correct spatial projection while the others fails to display in the right place. It means, when I open the first .kml in Google Earth it is displayed right but the others are not displayed due to their lack of projection.

I've set in the properties menu of the model the processing extent as same as the input shapefile layer but doesn't worked.

I attach the model for better explanation. Thanks!

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

What projection are you using on the data you are trying to export?

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Robert I'm using UTM projection

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