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Licensing Problem

02-25-2021 11:32 PM
New Contributor

Hi everyone, I have a problem with my ArcGis Administrator. I have been trying to license my ArcMap 10.6, however, the feature box of borrow and return screen seems empty. Any ideas why?

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello! If you go to the "Availability" tab in ArcGIS Administrator, are their licenses available there? If so, how many licenses are listed in the "Licenses" column? How many in the "Available" column?

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hey aysunçınar!  Just to add to Megan's comment, what type of license are you using?  Is it a single use license or a concurrent use license?  If this is a concurrent use license do you know what version of License Manager you are using?  

Honored Contributor

Is your maintenance up to date?

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