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legend symbols error in export

07-26-2021 07:08 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I have some symbols from the in my map. The graphics are OK like you can see in the ataachment ArcMap_correct.png.

When I export a pdf the symbols are also correct in the map but in the legend there are black rectangles instead (attachment pdf_export_error.png). I tried different settings - convert to polygon, imbedding text and so on. I tried exporting to png, emf, tiff and it is incorrect too.

I use ArcGIS Desktop 10.7.1. I exported from the same mxd some months ago and it worked great. I didn´t any ArcGIS-Update since then. Maybe a automatically Update for my Windows-System (it is not my personal PC, it is an office PC) caused this problem.

Has anyone an idea?

Thanks for your help

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1 Reply
New Contributor

Try taking the Legend and Convert to Graphics, ungroup several times until you get to the symbol and delete the background piece of your symbol.  There is an invisible symbol behind all my visible symbols that I deleted and it worked.  

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