I am creating a custom toolbar to suit my needs. A couple of the tools need to be run in batch mode with a batch grid. I can't seem to figure out how to add this option when dragging a tool onto the toolbar in customize mode. The tools I would like to run in batch mode are, Repair Geometry and Apply Symbology from Layer.
This is something I have found super helpful over the years.
First I would suggest creating a custom tool box and save it in your c:\\Users...Documents\ArcGIS folder.
Create your script or model
Access the Toolbox and add your script or model to the custom toolbox.
Start to customize. Select the Command tab. Scroll all the way to the bottom and select [Geoprocessing Tools]. The select Add tools. Navigate to your custom Toolbox and add the script.
The add the tool to your custom tool bar.
Thank you. This is something I have played around with as well, however I'm not able to give it a batch option. I'm not super familiar with scripting though.
Technically a script is a batch function, when you execute the script it may perform numerous operations. I typically create my scripts using Model Builder. You can save the models in the Tool Box and export them as a python script.
I don't have a lot of scripts I run a lot so I keep mine simply in the tool box and access them as needed.
Your trying to apply symbology to feature classes automatically?
If that is the situation you may be better off creating Layer Files. Layer files will save your symbols, visibility scale, and labeling.
When you create a layer file and add it to a new . mxd it will read from the same data.
Conversely you can set the symbology in the database itself.
Start ArcCatalog and navigate to your Feature. Right click on it and open properties.
There is a tab called Representations. You can add multiple different symbology sets to the feature class. You will still need to create a layer file.
We played around with this for our enterprise data and decided to go with Layer Files.
Yes I thought about representation and layer templates as an option but each feature class is unique and is named differently everyday. I just needed a quick way to apply the same symbology to several layers at once.
I'm just looking for a way to put a batch version of tool on a toolbar. Looks like my best option is simply using a toolbox and right clicking on the tool I need.