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ArcGIS License Server Administrator - License Migration

New Contributor

Good day,

My apologies if I'm posting in the wrong location. I work in ICT Technical support and have been tasked to migrate our existing ArcGIS licenses to a new server as part of our cloud migration. Unfortunately, neither I nor my GIS colleagues have performed this task before. I would try to contact ESRI support for assistance, but unfortunately, our parent department (we are a parastatal organization) provided our concurrent, permanent licensing and due to budget cuts was unable to include us in their new licensing/support contract.

I've followed the instructions from the ESRI website on transferring licenses from one License server to another but I keep running into an issue when attempting to transfer more than one. (i.e.: I can transfer 1 ArcGIS Desktop Basic license and it works but as soon as I try to transfer any more than that, it fails). I was hoping that someone in the community has come across this issue before and can perhaps provide a bit more info as to what I'm doing wrong and/or point me in the right direction to find out what the issue is. Granted, our software is outdated (ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.1) but while we await funding for our own licensing/support contract, this is what our GIS Scientists and Technicians have to work with. Below is a screenshot of the licenses on the current server that need to be transferred. Any assistance will be very much appreciated.



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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

When it comes to Esri getting their money, I've found them to be helpful 😉

Are you able to log into My Esri to see the your organization? Under "Overview", "Esri Contacts", you should find contact information for a Customer Service Representative who should be able to assist you with transitioning your licenses.

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New Contributor

Hi Blake,

Many thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, we are unable to register on My ESRI because we are not the license/contract holder. Our parent department has this information and access. All we were provided with was the software, the license files, and a representative from ESRI South Africa to do the installation.



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