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Assign and Complete Work Orders under same user

11-23-2017 12:23 PM
Regular Contributor

Does Workforce support the ability for a dispatcher to be able to assign and also complete assignments?

I would expect other agencies, would have the same workflow that i am trying replicate with Survey123 and Workforce for Roads Asset Management, whereby particular staff like a Lead Hand (crew supervisor) or patrol staff incur dual roles that perhaps assign or pickup assignments.  For example a lead hand may have to pick up a "Meet with Resident" assignment who may have called in to dispatcher regarding a complaint and then after inspecting create a new assignment based on the findings to replace and improve drainage involving another crew.  Or a road patrol staff, would drive the roads looking for deficiencies, and would be assigning work orders; but may also be tasked to complete other minor tasks when not doing patrols from dispatch.    

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hi Nathan,

If I'm understanding your situation correctly, you have certain individuals who you would like to be able to both create assignments as well as to be able to complete assignments. 

If this is the case, all you should need to do is assign those individuals both Dispatcher and Mobile Worker roles within your Workforce project.

1) Open the Project's settings from  your Projects page

2) Navigate to USERS tab

3) Assign the dispatchers the additional role of Mobile Worker

After that, the dispatchers should also be able to complete work in the field when needed.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Nathan,

Can I ask if you can clarify something; would you like the Lead Hand or Patrol Staff to be able to assign and complete work orders within the Mobile app?

Or, will the workflow that Saven outlines above, where a single user can act as a Dispatcher and Worker; but still must use the Web app as the Dispatcher, satisfy your requirement?


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