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ArcGIS Workflow Manager 11.0/3.0 is now available!

08-08-2022 09:00 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
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A new version of ArcGIS Workflow Manager is now available. The theme of this release is better integration and more customization capabilities. Below are a few highlights. Our blog article and documentation provide a comprehensive list.  

New and Enhanced Step Templates 

The new Advanced Assignment step allows you to automatically assign a subsequent step to a specific user or group while the new Claim Version step supports workflows that involve version management. The Send Web Request has been updated to make it easier to seamlessly drive your workflows from any third-party system.  

Read blog article on Advanced Assignment 

Read blog article on Claim Version 

Read blog article on enhancements to Send Web Request  


ArcGIS Workflow Manager has improved cross-application communications by allowing you to process information from incoming webhooks to automatically create jobs from a specified job template.  

Developer Tools 

Workflow Manager has added documentation for the new JavaScript API, making it easier for developers to build custom maps and widgets.  

UC Recap 

If you joined us at the recently concluded Esri User Conference, we hope that you enjoyed the experience. In case you were unable to attend our technical workshop, be sure to watch the recording (requires login or registration).

Product Survey

Would you like to contribute to the future of ArcGIS Workflow Manager? Please complete this survey to share your feedback.  

Please reach out to for any question.

About the Author
I manage marketing strategy, communications and product marketing for an elite group of products at Esri. I also help draft/refine messaging and artifacts, and promote awareness, demand and adoption among Esri customers.