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What is the easiest way to create pick list (drop down) to populate the tables within AGOL?

04-19-2016 06:51 AM
Regular Contributor

I have a request to build an app for tree inventory. To make the app user friendly I would like to create several pull downs to populate the data. Condition rating: Good, Fair, Poor. etc.

I created symbology by name which is great and is included in the editing configuration of the app.   

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7 Replies
MVP Alum

You would have to create domains before publishing the data. Check out this article: Prepare your data in ArcGIS for Desktop—Collector for ArcGIS | ArcGIS

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Regular Contributor

I can create more than ONE pull down by creating a domain with codes for each field I wish to populate by a pick list?

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MVP Alum

Each field can have its own pull down.

Regular Contributor

Sweet. Thank you for your quick response.. I'll give it a try. I'm sure they will appreciated in the field!

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Regular Contributor

Hey Tim,

Got it working. This will open the door to user friendly apps!! Thanks again for the information..

I do have one more question and hate to take up your time with it.

I have one database connection with all of our datasets and feature classes. Utilities, crime statistics, park inventory, street centerline, etc. I also found when our consultant setup our utility dataset within this connection, the properties contain domains and codes to our infrastructure.. I was able to create the domains and codes to be used with the tree inventory as well and works great..

So with that being said I'm somewhat a file organization freak. Is it uncommon to have one connection with all your data sources or should I have different connections for each dataset or department? Any thoughts or best practice procedures?

Thanks again for all your help..    

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MVP Alum

Hey Chet,

Dont worry about asking questions, that is what the forum is for! As far as I know, we also use only one database connection. Since I am not a server administrator, I can't give you a clear cut answer though


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MVP Emeritus


  I can chime in on that question. Normally the ArcGIS Server admin will have a different connection for each dept or user if you want it that fine grain. The point of this is so that certain datasets and featureclasses can be assigned that user or dept as readonly or with editing capabilities or not visible to the user/dept at all.