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WebApp Builder Query Widget fails/times out with ArcGIS Server Services

10-17-2014 10:28 PM
Frequent Contributor

I can't get the query widget to work against my ArcGIS Server 10.1 services. Mesage is "Query failed". Javascript console indicates that the request timed out (did adjust my AGS services to not time out, though.) It works no problem with ArcGIS Online hosted services.  Anyone having the same issue?

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

update: it may have to do with the parameter "...&returnGeometry=false&..." being passed to the server instead of "...&returnGeometry=False&..." . Could that be the problem?

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Frequent Contributor

I'm also seeing this same timeout issue on most of the queries I build. I'm using AGS 10.2 services.  It might be that an index is required on any field used in the query.  The only query that works for me is one on a field that definitely has an index, so try adding an index.

Frequent Contributor

You know, I never figured the out completely but I found a workaround: when I build the same application and host it myself instead of in ArcGIS Online the problem doesn't exist.

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