Web AppBuilder (for Developer) failure

02-21-2018 09:35 PM
New Contributor

I am using Web AppBuilder for Developer 2.7 and just set it up on my local machine.  I am not able to click on the "OK" button for any of the widgets. 

Steps to reproduce: 

  1. Create new web app
  2. Click on Widget tab 
  3. Add Widget 
  4. Select Widget
  5. Click OK - Error

Below is chrome console output.

FeatureActionManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:174 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'en-us' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (FeatureActionManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:174)
at Object.forEach (init.js:70)
at Object.registerWidgetFeatureActions (FeatureActionManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:162)
at Object.<anonymous> (FeatureActionManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:207)
at init.js:63
at visitBigSection (utils.js?wab_dv=2.7:120)
at Object.visitElement (utils.js?wab_dv=2.7:84)
at Object.c.visitElement (ConfigManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:188)
at Object._reRegisterWidgetActions (FeatureActionManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:204)
at Object._onAppConfigChanged (FeatureActionManager.js?wab_dv=2.7:252)

Seems to be something to do with this line:  

label: widgetJson.manifest['i18nLabels_featureAction_' + action.name][window.dojoConfig.locale] ||
widgetJson.manifest['i18nLabels_featureAction_' + action.name].defaultLabel

Have I forgotten to configure something?  This is my first time testing this app locally?  I need to develop custom widgets..

0 Kudos
11 Replies
New Contributor

Here is how I fixed this problem with the Demo widget.  From the Demo widget manifest.json, remove the following lines.

"featureActions": [{

This feature action is broken or incomplete, but in any event notice that the error starts in FeatureActionManager and this ShowVertex thing is the culprit.

MVP Regular Contributor


I came across this myself and what I found is that it seems the problem occurs when two different widgets use the same path to a feature action.

So if I have two widgets and both have a feature action name located in a folder with the same name.

So we have:



The failure occurs with the second widget.

If I do a rename so have..



everything works fine.
