Attached is a document that lists all the bug fixes and enhancements (submitted via Esri Technical Support) that were addressed in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Developer Edition v2.0. Please be aware that the list also includes items that were found in the embedded version of Web AppBuilder in ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS.
Hope this helps,
Derek, thanks for the pace of updates on WAB Developer Edition. This is great!
Where do we go or who do we contact to submit bugs or enhancements? I have one. I can't sort fields in the table that opens when I select "Show Related Records" (1-M relationship). To quote my boss " the app would be perfect if we could do that."
Thanks for making me look talented.
Hi Brad,
Please submit bugs via Esri Technical Support - they will request specific steps to reproduce your issue to confirm it is valid.
For enhancement requests to the software, please submit your idea on the Ideas site:
Esri Arcgis Ideas | Ideas Submission Portal
Hope this helps,
Nice updates! WAB 2.0 has some nice new tech, especially the little tab that opens at lower right asking user if they want to return to previous session.
Have you checked this out?
WAB Dev 2.0: How to get layer names for Attribute Table widget to be read from config file
I'd be very interested on any thoughts you or other esri WAB developers may have on that.
Best regards,