Hi -
In preparing to update my wab developer edition version 2.8, I would like to match the developer edition wab to the ArcGIS Enterprise version upcoming at 10.7. In reviewing the About release versions , the page does not yet display what wab and js libraries the 10.7 version will use. Does anyone know?
To my knowledge it will be 2.10 with Portal 10.7
That is what I suspected, thanks Robert. I believe that means the compatible eSearch release will be the 2.9 version?
You can try 2.11. I don't think I am using anything that is unique to the 2.11 release. But it does not work then yes get the 2.9 version.
I can now confirm that ArcEnterprise at 10.7 is using the 2.11 release of the Web Application Builder, the 3.27 jsapi version for 2D, and the 4.10 jsapi version for 3D. I was really hoping that would be the case and it is. I determined by looking at Portal's env js files for the builder and viewer....