In Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition), when I checked the source code of Layer List Widget (Widget.js) , I don't understand why there is always a comma at the end of each function such as below: This is not right in JavaScript grammar. Why? Thanks!
destroy: function() {
It should be : var destroy = function () {...};
Solved! Go to Solution.
Doing templated widget/dijit development in dojo is just different then the standard js development that you are use to.
Doing templated widget/dijit development in dojo is just different then the standard js development that you are use to.
I think the issue is that the code you posted was embedded within a larger object. Notice how your code is: destroy: function () .... not destroy = function() ...
Your code is defining a destroy property in an object, not a variable named destroy, so in this case the comma is correct (it separates the declaration of the destroy property from the declaration of whatever was the next property in the object).
For example:
lifecycle = {
destroy: function () {},
create: function () {}