I am trying to configure a smart editor but when I try to set a preset value (under Attribute actions) it says "There is no appropriate layer available in the map for this data type".
My one layer and all its fields are showing as editable when I click Configure fields under Layer settings, so I do not understand why it says there is no appropriate layer available. It says the same no matter what Data type I choose.
What am I missing here? I am using WAB in AGOL.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Sil_ ,
In the top-right of the window, if you change the Data Type to anything other that "date", do you get layer and field options? Are there any Date fields in your layers?
Hi and thank you for the swift reply. It does not change when I change the data type, it still claims there is no appropriate layer available. I have a Date field in the layer, yes. I have multiple String fields and they do not show up either.
I did see all the fields earlier today but when I deleted the Smart edit widget to reconfigure it from scratch it started saying there was no appropriate layer available. The only thing I did in the meantime was to change the feature service label by changing it in the editing template in Map viewer classic. Could this have affected it? I only changed the name of the label.
@Sil_ would you be able to share your app, map, and layers with me via a Group so I can take a look? My username is AlixSolutions.
I have done that now @AlixVezina Thanks again!
@Sil_ It appears there may be an issue with the feature layer itself, I am seeing a Data Error. It may have become corrupt somehow. Did you have any data in this service? You could attempt recreating it. If that is not an option, I would recommend contacting Esri Support directly to see if this can be fixed.
Could you be getting the access fail message be because the feature layer is set to hide all features from editors? I have changed it to "Editors can see all features", would you mind checking again? Thanks again.
Good catch, I can see the features now. It is bizarre that this shows a data error though.
I'm also able to see the layer options now.
Is "Editors can see all features" the only change you have last made to this feature layer?
Oh, I can see the layer options too now!
Yes, the "Editors can see all features" is the only change I've made on this layer since I created this post. But that cannot be a prerequisite for setting preset values?
You are correct this should not affect creating presets. I will need to look into this more closely and will get back to you when I know more.