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WAB Popup in Mobile - Is there a way to increase the pixel tolerance (closest to point) of activating a popup when a feature is clicked and disable the no information found window when clicking in open space?

02-26-2016 03:35 PM
Regular Contributor

I have an application in WAB that is working really well.  However, a couple of users pointed out that when you perform an identify on the map close to a point, the following message appears:

Can I disable this message somewhere in the .js or config files?

Also, to activate the popup is there a way to increase the tolerance when the popup is used in mobile?  It appears you have to be exactly on the point to get the popup to appear, meaning a user might have to tap several times for the popup to appear for a feature.

The No Information popup might be misleading to a person that thinks they are clicking on a feature, but no results are returned.

Any suggestions?.  Thank you!


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9 Replies
Regular Contributor

I have the same problem, my users tell me that when they try to hit a point feature they miss because it's so hard to hit exactly in the middle of the symbol for a point feature, and then they get the info "No information / No information available". I then they think that there is no information for the point feature they think they have clicked on.

This needs to be fixed somehow, I can think of three possible solutions.
1. Increasing the pixel tolerance for activating the point features popup
2. Disable the "no information popup".
3. Changing the text in the "no information popup".

As far as I know non of these three options is possible with the ArcGIS Online version of the Web AppBuilder. I would like to have hem all configurable, but number one i most important. In my map you can actually hit the symbols close to its edge and still not hit the point feature.

Regular Contributor


Glad to hear that you are experiencing the same issue.  For the mobile environment, the improving the tap tolerance must be improved to provide the end user the best functionality as possible.  The problem is, there is no telling when this functionality will be incorporated.  Will it be 6 months...will it be 1 year?

I really do not want to have to do a bunch of custom development just to make this work and I wanted to focus on the add-ins or other custom tools related to the map.

Can we put in an enhancement request?


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MVP Emeritus

Sure just call esri tech support and get this logged as an enhancement request.

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New Contributor III

Is there a way to configure the point tolerance with the Web AppBuilder Dev version, Robert?

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MVP Emeritus


  Nope this has been an issue in the JS API since as far back as 2012.

New Contributor III

I see.  Are there any work-arounds that you've seen? Does everyone else just deal with it, I guess?

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MVP Emeritus

Nope people have just dealt with it.

Regular Contributor

As a customer in sweden I have to go through ESRI Sweden, and they are referring enhancement requests to ArcGIS ideas. I've just posted a couple of ideas:

ArcGIS Idea - increase pixel tolerance for clicking a point feature

ArcGIS Idea - Disable "No information popup"

If you can put in an enhancement request another way , please do.

New Contributor III

Any workaround with this issue since then?

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