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WAB Dev 2.2 won't load webmaps that contain image services in Chrome 55

01-26-2017 11:17 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hi -  here we go again apparently.  Does anyone else have dynamic image services in their web maps?  I've added my dynamic services to my primary web map and in Chrome 55.x the webmap won't fully load because of a deffered error:

init.js:103 Uncaught Error: This deferred has already been resolved
 at d (init.js:103)
 at b.Deferred.resolve.callback (init.js:105)
 at ArcGISImageServiceLayer.js:76
 at ia (init.js:28)
 at init.js:28
 at ja (init.js:28)
 at ga (init.js:28)
 at s (init.js:30)
 at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (init.js:35)
d @ init.js:103
resolve.callback @ init.js:105
(anonymous) @ ArcGISImageServiceLayer.js:76
ia @ init.js:28
(anonymous) @ init.js:28
ja @ init.js:28
ga @ init.js:28
s @ init.js:30
(anonymous) @ init.js:35‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

when I look at line 4 or 13:

at ArcGISImageServiceLayer.js:76

and go to line 76 I can see an "unsupported browser version" value in the callback:

a[b],d=k<d?k:d,f=k>f?k:f;return{minValue:d,maxValue:f}},_loadRasterFormatModules:function(){D=new n;10>a("ie")?D.reject("unsupported browser version"):m(["./rasterFormats/JpgPlus","./rasterFormats/Png","./rasterFormats/Raw","./rasterFormats/TiffDecoder","./rasterFormats/Zlib"],function(a,c,d,f){p=a;E=c;v=d;y=f;F=!0;D.resolve(!0)})}});var A=null,r=null,I=function(a){"U1"===a||"U2"===a||"U4"===a||"U8"===a?(a="U8",r=Math.pow(2,8)-1,A=Uint8Array):"U16"===a?(r=r||Math.pow(2,16)-1,A=Uint16Array):"U32"===

Any Ideas?

I've constantly had problems adding my image services to my webmaps in AGOL as is.  Usually afer adding my service to our I would then add the image servcie to my webmap from my org.  

I had to stop doing that some months ago becasue the webmap's add layer from org began constantly telling me 'unavailable' in the layers-to-add dropdown.  

Whenever that happened I would either lose any changes I made to the webmap if I didn't save, or if I did save then I would be saving without that particular image service in my webmap.  Quite vexing as you can imagine.

So I began to add my image services directly from my REST, but that is now causing webmap load problems.



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