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Using a map shared with a group in Web AppBuilder

03-31-2015 12:36 PM
Frequent Contributor


I need some advice on building an app that references a map that belongs to a group that I am part of.

I am a contractor that belongs to my company's organization account. A client has invited me to a group and shared a webmap with me that contains an editable layer. I am able to view this map and make edits via the AGOL web interface.

When I create an app using the developer edition of Web App Builder and set the Portal URL to my organization's account ( I am able to add the shared map to the app and configure the Editor widget to reference the editable layer.

When I open the deployed app I log in through and can then successfully edit the layer. However, my client is not able to log in to even though he authored and shared the web map with me. If I change the portal URL to then I am not able to log in and view the map.

How can I create an app that we can both use to access our shared content? Is this possible?



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3 Replies
Deactivated User

Hi Jill,

Can you share the webapp to the group you're part of, then give the other organization the URL without your company with it?

For example, would become As long as the ID is correct and pointing to an item that is shared, I've had this work. I've only tried it out with webmaps though, not web apps. Since they're logging into the generic instead of an organization site, I think it cleans up some of the odd login behavior.


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Frequent Contributor

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the reply.

Just to clarify my workflow, I am using the Web App Builder Developer Edition to create the app and then I deploy it to a company world wide web server. The app is referencing an AGOL web map, not a AGS Portal extension map (confusing since the config file asks you to specify a portal).

So, it's not accessing the web app that is the problem, it's accessing the web map.

I see what you're saying about referencing the webmap through instead of companyxyz, but since I'm working in the confines of WAB I can't make too many modifications without losing the ability to continue managing the app through the WYSIWYG interface. I can really only play around with the config file. The portal URL and item ID (of the web map) are both specified in the config file and the app smooshes them together when it calls up the map.

Just out of curiosity I changed the portal URL in the config file to but I got a CORS error.

Thanks again!


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Deactivated User

Ah, I was thinking about webmaps hosted on ArcGIS Online. I've not used the desktop app builder. Good luck!

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