The documentation on this page has been and is incorrect and mis-leading. (Upgrade apps—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers ) When the downloaded file is extracted, the new web appbuilder is placed inside a folder called WebAppBuilderForArcGIS. Therefore to upgrade previous version Apps, the typical path will include this folder. ex: C:\arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.0\webappbuilderforarcgis
BUT how do you switch to the new version of WABD?
The old version is registered with Portal and the folder is locked on the machine?
GIS User,
Not sure what you are talking about, registering WABD with Portal Does not Lock any folder.
Hi Robert, thanks for your comment.
Was a little frustrated at time of my post and was fixated on a running service looking for node-js!
The service running was actually "ArcgisWebAppBuilder", when I stopped the service I removed the locks on the active folder. This allowed me to rename and replace with new v2.18 WABD.
All good now.