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Smart Editor - Address Actions

11-18-2022 02:47 PM
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New Contributor

Hi all,

I am trying to set up Smart Editor to drop points for potential sites and autofill the nearest intersection and address. I prefer to split my address up into street address, city, state, zip, county. I was able to get the city, state, zip, and county to work but the address and intersection isn't. The address was calling the StAddr but it doesn't fill anything. Currently as a temporary solution I am having it call the LongLabel but would like to fix this issue.

The more interesting issue I am running into is the Intersection action. What type of layer do I need to source from for this? I can't make it source from the aerial reference layer, or an roads layer I am bringing in. Does this source layer have to have a field that has all the intersections? Seems odd that the search bar in the WebApp Builder will let you search by intersection, and it knows exactly where you are talking about, but you can't source this very easily in Smart Editor.

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @BillyG93 ,

Thank you for posting your question!

First, I'd like to make sure we are on the same page regarding the term "Intersection" in this widget. The Intersection Attribute Action is not referring to a street intersection specifically, but rather to an intersection operation. The Intersection actions can be used to populate a field based on a field value from any intersecting layers (points, lines, or polygons) - these intersecting layers can be feature services or map services that are present in your map.

Here are some examples of how Intersection Attribute Action can be used: (configuration example starts around 5:00min)

Regarding your questions above:

The address was calling the StAddr but it doesn't fill anything. Currently as a temporary solution I am having it call the LongLabel but would like to fix this issue.

This widget leverages the geocoding service and it is possible that there are no values available in that location for the StAddr field. You may try creating features in other locations and see if you ever get any value. But the only other option will be to use another field (such as LongLabel).

The more interesting issue I am running into is the Intersection action. What type of layer do I need to source from for this? I can't make it source from the aerial reference layer, or an roads layer I am bringing in. Does this source layer have to have a field that has all the intersections? Seems odd that the search bar in the WebApp Builder will let you search by intersection, and it knows exactly where you are talking about, but you can't source this very easily in Smart Editor.

As I mentioned further above, Intersection Attribute Actions are not specifically meant to get the nearest street intersections (unless you have a layer in your map with those specific attributes available for grab). Intersection Attribute Actions are meant to grab a value from a feature in a layer that is geometrically intersecting with the feature you are creating on the map. (refer to example video above)

To get the street intersection value text, you would need to leverage the Address Attribute Action again, but unfortunately, we don't currently have a way to collect and store the value from the StreetInt returned by the Addr_type field. If you choose Addr_type as an attribute when setting up the Address Attribute Action it won't return useful information. 


There may be a way to perform this in the future using Calcuted expression in the Forms in the Map Viewer. Allowing for reverseGeocode in Arcade expressions is currenty under consideration.

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