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Select By Attribute or Make Feature Layer in order to select only certain records to participate in a Calculate Field operation failing.

03-10-2020 07:13 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello GIS friends,

Good morning!! Hope you all are well.

Select By Attribute or Make Feature Layer in order to select only certain features before running 'Calculate Field' operation runs fine in ArcGIS Pro, but fails in Web AppBuilder. There are only two step (tool/operation) in the process.

In the First step: I am using Select By Attribute and I have also tried using Make Feature Layer to only select 'created_date => 09/30/202' before running the second step in the tool, which is 'Calculate Field'.

In the Second step: I get the input from the First step (Select By Attribute) which are only records whose created_date >= 09/30/2020

I get a generic error when I run the Web Tool in my Web AppBuilder.

Please help.

Thank you.


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