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Search widget message when no results

07-06-2016 05:07 AM
Deactivated User

Hi, I am trying to get a message, pop up or whatever from the Search widget when no suggestions were found. I am using WAB 2.0. I am using a feature layer.

Search settings are:


So if the user types a street which is actually inside the feature layer, it works as expected and then suggestions show up:


However, if the user types something weird, then the Search widget can't find any suggestion which is fine, but there will not be messages or information for the user at all, which is bad since the user didn't know what is going on.

So my questions is...can I modify the widget in order to get a kind of message like this, without press any button or enter key, just after the user types 3 characters?




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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


  No, not that I am aware of. The suggest rest end point will only provide results for entries that meet the suggest criteria and the list that is shown in the Search widget is based on those results. When you hit enter the Search widget will display a different list that says no results. There is no way I am aware of to display a no suggestions list (besides I could see this becoming really annoying to the end user).

Deactivated User

Thanks Robert for your comment. After some hours digging on the widget, I only wanted to be sure about.

All the best,


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